What we ‘do’ doesn’t define who we are

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Find out why your first question shouldn’t be “what do you do” when you meet someone new. 

What we “do” doesn’t define who we are.

“Who I was this day last year, is not who I am now, I have never felt more comfortable in my own skin”. 

“Just be happy”

Such beautiful words. Such accurate words of what we should wish for EVERYONE!

Life is not about titles. Money. Status. Ladder climbing.

The definition of success is knowing your North Star that gives you direction, that drives you, that fills your heart, that gives your purpose, your just cause. 

Filling our ego doesn’t make us happy. 

Check out what coming out was like for Cassie with her whanau and in particular her gorgeous Grandma. Her hero.

She paced for 30minutes in the freezing cold before picking up the phone – and was met with love and the heart warming message of “just be happy”… and the news that the gossip chain in rural Missouri had been in full force and her Grandma already heard from her friend Jean-Rae who had seen it on Facebook. ?    

Just be happy. 


Click here to see the full interview!

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Pst. You are the first to know about this event! 

This is not your ordinary run of the mill leadership or wellbeing event.
This, is ten amazing speakers.
Each speaking for ten minutes each.
To motivate.
To inspire.
To challenge perspectives.
To be impactful.
To create meaningful moments.
To send you on your way replenished, refocused and ready to lead more authentically and effectively.

We are inviting you to join us to reflect, connect, share, learn, cross pollinate and make change happen.