Taking Everyday as it comes: Being a Small Business Owner 

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For Kat running is a big part of her body routine and is an aspect of her mental wellness! She talks about how it’s a great way for her to relieve stress or anxiety, but it also provides a win-win situation because she is able to clear her mind and do something great for her body and feel the benefits afterwards! 

She talks to us about how routine is still a big work on for her, especially when winter hits! Like many of us it can be a struggle to get up out of bed and run or move our bodies when it’s freezing outside! She talks about how she normally takes every day as it comes and some days her whānau will be in an awesome routine and others it’s a little more tricky, but as Kat says she just takes every day as it comes! 

We also talk to Kat about her mental strength and coping strategies she used to get through the tough times of owning and starting up a small business, let alone doing it all 6 months before a pandemic hit! 

Kat talks about her mantra “if you can’t fix it, …. it” (I’m sure you can fill in the blanks!)! In all seriousness Kat talks about getting through times by not sweating the small stuff, and only being able to put energy into things and situations that she can control! A global pandemic is clearly not one of them, so she talks about how she was able to use that time to spend time with family, in amongst navigating what she would do next with her small team, and how they can rally together a plan to move forward! 

Kat ultimately did what she could with what she had, and was really real about the fact that she didn’t have a massive customer base, so it was about trying to be connected to those in her small vegan cafe community that she did have and then work from there!

Click here to hear the full story of Kat’s journey!

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