Tools to Help Your Mind Stay on Your Side

Kale 2


We all have an inner voice and it is up to us to make sure this voice is our best supporter. Kale talks to us about how he uses two tools to help keep his inner monologue on his side. 

Meditation is something that Kale talks about doing every morning to help not only set the intentions for the day but to help get his self talk on track and in a positive light right from the start of the day. 

Another tool kale uses daily is journaling. Now journaling looks different for everyone, for Kale he uses it first thing in the morning to clear the space in his mind and jot down anything and everything that he is thinking of in his mind, whether that be personal or professional life, he makes sure to make a note of it and can always return to those ideas throughout the day!


Click here to listen to more of Kales wellness journey! 

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