Keeks: Appreciating Māori language and culture

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Keeks begins by talking about her netball community and how she is amazed at how kind people are who she has never met, and how much of an influence and impact she has on people of all ages. She shares a story of how young girls in a mall were just so excited to see her one day.

Keek’s talks of the community in her two Marae’s as well. One in Whakatane and one in Raglan. She loves spending time at these Marae’s, even more now than when she was younger. When she was young it was more about just hanging out with friends and whanau, but now, she loves spending time there getting to know her roots and immersing herself in more Maori language and culture.

Whitianga in the Coromandel is a special place for Keek’s. Her grandfather lives there and although she isn’t from there, everything she visits she says it feels like home.

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