Mood ring musings
What moods and feelings have you been feeling lately? Daz shares her thoughts on mood rings and how they could potentially help us!
To the Black Ferns,
20 lessons we can learn from the incredible Black Ferns after they won the Women’s Rugby World Cup!
Prioritising yourself
If you aren’t taking care of yourself. The bottom line is, in the long run, you are no longer here to worry about all these ‘issues’.
Sleep yarns from an overtired Kiwi woman
Does anyone actually count sheep? Is it an effective strategy? (Seriously, not rhetorical, let me know!).
Life: When books run out of pages
What would happen if we were all conscious of the environment we are creating around ourselves? You can create safe spaces for safe conversations by controlling your controllables
The great mental reset
The great resignation…The great re-think…The great ‘woah I didn’t see this coming’…The great mental reset! (Daz’s own creation)
Foreboding joy and self trust
Are you playing it safe? Do you take opportunities not knowing what the outcome will be? A reflection on how and what we can do better to help us reach our full potential!
Saying NO to body shaming!
It’s 2022 body shaming is soooo last millennium (but it wasn’t cool then either)!
What is Happi-mess? Do you create a Happi-mess space? Here’s my journey with Happi-mess and some of the lessons and tools I have gained along the way!
How to choose your word of the year
Do you set goals for the year? Do you have a theme for the year? What guides how and who you will be throughout the year? Daz shares with us 8 steps towards picking your word of the year!