Here to Help You serving the community

Erana shares the ways Here to Help u has impacted the community


Erana admits to us she likes to be a ‘tutu’, and dabbles in a few projects, one of these ‘projects’ turned out to be a resource that impacted many families across the time of the pandemic!

In the midst of the pandemic, Erana helped create Here to Help You, which through an empowered relationship was able to do just that, help people navigate and essentially survive through some of the scariest times! 

Whether it was food or just someone to talk to Erana knew that there was a need within the community, they just needed a resource and the relationships to provide the required support, enter Here to Help You!

Erana admits she didn’t know everything about making it work, but the important aspect of the community is how you are able to empower the relationships you have towards making positive change and impact- something we have learnt that is right up Erana’s alley! 


To hear more of the impact Erana has across the communities she works with click here! 

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This is not your ordinary run of the mill leadership or wellbeing event.
This, is ten amazing speakers.
Each speaking for ten minutes each.
To motivate.
To inspire.
To challenge perspectives.
To be impactful.
To create meaningful moments.
To send you on your way replenished, refocused and ready to lead more authentically and effectively.

We are inviting you to join us to reflect, connect, share, learn, cross pollinate and make change happen.