Finding Your Calm Environment

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James shares the difficulties that he has experienced with working from home and the pressure working from home puts on your ability to relax and truly wind down. 

James talks about how working from home meant that you are always in the face of technology and well, work. 

What he and his whānau often do is take their relaxing and family time to connect to a pace outside of the home. Whether that be at the beach, park, or staying at a friend’s place, this means they minimize the distractions around them, get to go on mini adventures, and are more connected as a whānau. 

Another good way they find calm within environments and create awesome memories as a family is their family holidays. James talks about how they go away to a beach in Whāngarei and camp at an eco-campsite each year. Within this space, James talks about being able to let his shoulders drop, feel calm and connect into nature. James also finds that he sleeps better and is even a better person when on holiday here. 

What is your calm environment? 


To hear more about this from James click here to watch the full interview!

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