Pineapple Yellow Curry

Delicious and Nutritious:

Our recipes are purposely created to be delicious and full of nutritional goodness!

Executive Chef Lorna and Krystal, are cooking up a storm making a delicious Pineapple Yellow Curry! Join them through the whole process, there is even a sneaky tip on re-heating rice that Lorna shares with us all!

We know the extra stress that comes with having to cook and prepare dinner every night, so these meals are designed to limit some stress in the kitchen whilst helping you to eat great, tasty food!

So grab your apron, get your ingredients ready, and join us in the kitchen to cook up a delicious storm!


1/4 Sachet Cock Brand Yellow Curry Paste  

1 Leek or 1 Onion 

1 Onion 

1 inch Ginger  

6 Garlic  

1 tin Pineapple or 1/4 fresh  

1 Carrot  

4 handfuls Spinach  

2 Cans Coconut Cream  

2 Tbs Fish sauce  

1 small tin Bamboo Shoots  

4 citrus leaves (Lime or Lemon)  

Any Vege you want to use up (go through your fridge)  

Handful Coriander  

1/4 Cups nuts (any)  

2 Cups rice short grain

3 Cups Water  




Add any meat you want – if it was me I would roast chicken thighs in the oven while I make everything else or do a quick fry in another pan but a great way to cook your meat would be to thinly slice then poach in the curry for 3 mins before you add your veges. That way everything will be ready together and no dry meat. 

To cook rice: 

Place rice in pot, add tsp of salt and swirl of oil and your water, turn on high, bring to boil, once boiling turn right down to a gentle simmer, place a lid on and cook like this for 10 mins, then turn off  and leave on stove top for 10 more mins.

Take the lid off and fluff rice with a fork, replace the lid, and keep on the stove top until you are ready to eat.  

For Curry:  

Heat pan, add a splash of oil, fry off aromatics for 1-2 mins add curry paste, fry off for 1 min, add 1/4 cup water if it starts to stick, keep cooking and frying off that paste, add another 2 cups water or stock if  you have it and citrus leaves.

Bring to the boil, add coconut cream. Bring to boil. This is where you would add the meat.

Add vege.

Cook for 4-6 mins until tender 


Plate up and enjoy!

Lorna x

You wouldn’t ignore your fuel light—so why ignore the signs of stress and burnout?

This high-impact workshop is designed to help you reset, refuel, and strengthen your shock absorbers, giving you the tools to navigate workplace challenges with confidence. A small investment of your time now will have a huge impact on your energy, mindset, and workplace culture.

Tuesday 27th May, Hamilton.

Only 24 spaces available, don’t wait—secure your spot today!