Identifying our stressor’s

Identifying our stressor's



Daz asked Miriam, how can people identify their stressors, and how can we be more aware of them? Miriam explains that if people actually sat down and took the time to think, most people could produce a list about what stresses them, it’s about really connecting to what happens physically, mentally and emotionally! 

She shares with us her tip to help you identify your stressors: If you don’t know what your stressors are, ask someone you live with! 

Miriam also talks about stress behaviours and these are often the early signs of one becoming stressed! She explains that her lecturer once said to her class that Muhammud Ali never took down people with one punch it was always a combo, and that’s the same when we are stressed! It’s a combination of things that overwhelm us! 


Listen to more of our kōrero with Miriam here!

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