Seamus Marten: The pitch, to the mic and the journey in between

Seamus Marten: 

Seamus is the co-host of The Between Two Beers Podcast, he has also had an extensive career in the sporting industry, particularly football, which has taken him worldwide! Stepping into the commentating arena, Seamus recently was a commentator at the Pacific Games! 

During our kōrero Seamus openly shares his football journey, the importance of a tight group of friends, his journey with body image, giving up alcohol and more! There is also top-notch chat about how you stack your dishwasher, folding the washing and whether you are a scruncher or folder! 

We are grateful to Seamus for sharing such an incredibly powerful kōrero with us all with his epic sense of humour it made for a really special kōrero, check it out wherever you get your podcasts! 


Action points: 

Pst. You are the first to know about this event! 

This is not your ordinary run of the mill leadership or wellbeing event.
This, is ten amazing speakers.
Each speaking for ten minutes each.
To motivate.
To inspire.
To challenge perspectives.
To be impactful.
To create meaningful moments.
To send you on your way replenished, refocused and ready to lead more authentically and effectively.

We are inviting you to join us to reflect, connect, share, learn, cross pollinate and make change happen.