Pilates: 12

Get your Pilates fix now!

Sonia from Progressive Pilates talks you through all the techniques, advice and practical guides that you need during the session! Starting with a stretch, then moving through movements while Sonia shares all the tips and tricks to get you feeling good! Whether you’re new to pilates, or have been practicing for a while, our mat sessions will give you the lift you need in your day!

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Pilates: 01

Join Sonia for stellar first a Pilates session! Keep your eyes peeled for a seal clap moment for a giggle!

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Pst. You are the first to know about this event! 

This is not your ordinary run of the mill leadership or wellbeing event.
This, is ten amazing speakers.
Each speaking for ten minutes each.
To motivate.
To inspire.
To challenge perspectives.
To be impactful.
To create meaningful moments.
To send you on your way replenished, refocused and ready to lead more authentically and effectively.

We are inviting you to join us to reflect, connect, share, learn, cross pollinate and make change happen.