Written by Daz Burns
There is only one point to this blog.
Take care of you.
Everything has a ‘month’
Heart Awareness Month.
New Zealand Music Month.
Cervical Screening and Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Movember – Men’s Health.
Everything has a month or a day we should honour, respect and ensure that that ‘issue’ is in front of our mind during that time.
Just the amount of days and months can be overwhelming!
And though I realise there is WAY TOO much to have in front of mind ALL the time.
There is one thing you can easily have in front of your mind.
If you aren’t taking care of yourself.
The bottom line is, in the long run, you are no longer here to worry about all these ‘issues’.
Harsh reality right?!
But it’s the flat out truth.
Individuals with shared goals
We are all coming at life from different angles.
With different perspectives.
Different experiences.
Different whānau structures.
Different values.
But one thing is for sure.
We all want to live well and be here for a long time to live life to its fullest in our own way.
To see all the things we want to see.
To see our children grow up and build their own lives.
To see what technology product changes the world next.
To slide into our graves sideways knowing we lived the shit out of our lives.
So. To be clear.
There is only one point to this blog.
Take care of you.
It’s heart day everyday.
Pay attention to your body.
Know what your ‘normal’ is.
Where you have moles, soreness or redness.
What your heart rate is when you are resting.
If you can, find out your whānau history of health.
Then take time each day to check in with yourself.
It doesn’t take long.
Over time you will notice things.
You will notice patterns.
You will notice new triggers, pains, lumps and bumps.
You will notice if you were short of breath, anxious or had new tummy pains.
And then you can monitor it and if needed, go to see your GP.
The sooner you jump on small issues.
The longer you will be able to live your life the way you want.
The life you love.
With the people you love.
PS: I threw New Zealand Music Month in there because it should also be Aotearoa Music Day, every day.
Support our people doing amazing things every day!
It’s super good for your wellness to sing at the top of your lungs (even if your tone deaf) and dance it out (even if you have no coordination) every day.
Daz xx
Please share this blog to remind them that they need to put themselves at the top of the priority list!