It’s the word of the year…. 2025 edition

Word of the year blog

Written by Daz Burns


2019 = Connect
2020 = Hustle
2021 = Brave
2022 = Gumption
2023 = Create
2024 = L.F.G

So, if you’re new to town and haven’t been here the last few “New Years”, here is a quick overview of why this blog exists and what is below:

Why does this blog about ‘words of the year’ exist?

New Year’s Resolutions are BS.
Intentions are an absolute f’ing waste of energy without a plan.
Knowing you can make changes is WAY different to BELIEVING you can do it.

What is this ‘word of the year’ blog about?
It’s about setting myself up for success in 2025.
It’s about having a North Star to help make decisions.
It’s about holding myself accountable.
It’s about levelling up and pushing myself past my current limits.
And, hopefully, it’s about inspiring you to have a think about what your word of the year might be for 2025 too.

2024’s word of the year was L.F.G…. And on reflection, I lived up to it in lots of ways and let it lead some of my decision making to drive forward and get out of my comfort zone… but I STILL continue to let myself down on some of the promises I made to myself.

So, in 2025, I want to cement some epic habits and hold myself accountable for how I show up everyday.
Not just when the pressure is off and life is in flow, but for “if and when” the wheels are falling off and the waka is getting chucked around.
I want to be able to keep showing up for myself and for all the people I love with the right level of energy that fills their tanks, along with mine.


So, with an energetic drum roll…. My word of the year for 2025 is …
ENERGY2 (energy squared)

And though I am not using “Energy Squared” in the correct fashion that Einstein’s definition requires, it is two fold for me:
1. It’s about knowing that if my energy is high, I have the ability to then move at a higher rate of energy.
2. It’s also about knowing that I need to double down on replenishing my energy and guarding it.


What does energy2 mean to me?

  • Understanding my personal wellbeing, the method of how to recharge my batteries and understanding the blockers that drain my tank or my “go to” excuses and derailers. 
  • My energy affects others, for better or worse. 
  • Their energy affects me, for better or worse. 
  • Being hyper aware of where my energy is set to and what affects it in my ecosystem.
  • It is a reflection of who I am. 
  • Focussed energy to get shit done to a great standard. 
  • Finding ways to make everyday and every bit of mahi fun.
  • Be my own hype man and energy lifter.
  • Understand who lifts my energy and WHY. 
  • Team wise, hold ‘sync’ sessions with Em to set intentions to help us work as a unit and be energized for the mahi ahead.
  • Being a cheerleader for people I love and care about.
  • It takes way more energy to get things started than it does to keep things going.
  • Every “yes” I say is a “no” to something else. 
  • Embracing energizing distractions. 
  • Allowing myself to zone out rather than feeling guilt for not being productive or “on.”
  • Doing meaningful mahi. 
  • Making good daily choices consistently.
  • Share celebrations to share energy.
  • Having the energy to show up, again and again and again.
  • Taking it up a notch and keeping it steady.


And I am layering onto this word of the year by adding some regular reflection questions to use as check points:
What went well this week?

  • What went well this week?
  • What could I do better?
  • What will I commit to working on this coming week?

I am also adding to it by having activation rituals in the morning to help me build momentum for the day and keep those promises to myself.

So, 2025, I am laying down a challenge to myself to maximise my energy inputs and outputs.
To remember that how I spend my energy needs to be intentional and wise.
To remember that if I want good energy from others, I need to sprinkle my positive energy round like confetti wherever I go.
To remember all the things that replenish my energy and prioritise them, even on the toughest of days.
To remember that my thoughts have a massive impact on my energy, for better, or worse!

2025 = Energy2

What is your word of the year going to be for 2025?
You can click here to check out my previous blog for instructions on how to find your own word of the year for 2025. 🙂

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