1% better everyday!

1% Better Everyday

How small habits (practices, customs, patterns, routines or traditions) or in my case ruts (pitfalls, nemesis or faults) can build upon each other and transform us dramatically for good and for bad.

The tapestry of identity

Identity! A big topic! What’s involved? Uniqueness, Stereotypes, Stigma, Perspectives, Heritage, Culture. You might wonder where to start? I talk you through those starting steps and more!

Training through injury

Injuries do happen, but does that mean we have to stop moving?! Physiotherapist Amanda talks us through some key aspects in deciding this!

Ditch fad diets, try this instead!

Nutrition can be hard to navigate at the best of times, when we start talking about diets the situation gets even more blurry! Dietitian Sarah tells a new way to look at these Fad diets, especially if they aren’t working for YOU!

Half Marathon: My real life experience

Read about my personal experiences and how I trained for my first half marathon. No crazy diets, no expert advice, just a bit of hard work and dedication is all you need!

Do angels exist? I didn’t think so but …

We all face it at some stage in our lives, be it friends, family or even ourselves, death is inevitable.  As horrible as it is there are some in our community that, through kindness and compassion, make the process a beautiful thing!

Pst. You’ll be the FIRST to know about EARLY BIRD TICKETS! 

Enjoyed this years event? 

Maybe you had fomo and want to be at next year’s!

This is your chance to lock it in!!!