Brodie Retallick: Balancing the game of life

Brodie Retallick:

Many hear Brodie Retallick and instantly think ‘tall All Black lock’, but of course, as well as an All Black legend, Brodie keeps his life full as a husband and father of two girls!  

From a boy playing in Amberley to being an All Black, Brodie’s rugby journey is nothing short of incredible, from climbing the ranks to a World Cup Champion and the 2014 World and New Zealand Player of the Year! The road definitely hasn’t been easy though with injuries testing his resilience and mental strength, but as we discuss he has always made a positive out of a negative!

A special and unique part to Brodie’s journey is when he and his family relocated to live in Japan to enjoy the experience of a lifetime! Living and playing over in a different country and embracing a different culture, is something that Brodie touches on as being a great experience! 

We touch on Brodie’s Rugby experience but more importantly wellbeing, and what Brodie does to help enhance his wellbeing! Things like playing around in classic cars, spending time with his girls, and being down in the Bay next to the ocean, are just some of the things that help him balance his wellbeing!


Action points: 

  1. Brodie’s All Black profile
  2. More inspiring kōrero!
  3. Listen on Spotify!

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