
Vanessa Sorenson: Leading with authenticity

Vanessa Sorenson talks to The Good Day Matrix about her wellbeing journey

Vanessa Sorenson: 

Vanessa is a wife, a proud mother of two, and a force of nature in the leadership space! 

When she isn’t spending time with her family and the communities she is part of she is the Chief Partner Officer at Microsft New Zealand!

We kōrero to Vanessa about her journey to where she is today, her way of leading authentically and what Microsoft prioritises within their work environment to ensure inclusivity is at the forefront.

What does Vanessa’s wellbeing look like? We talk about what she does when she is away from the office, the value of family time as a priority and how she sets boundaries to ensure she gets to fill her wellbeing cup! We also talk about the importance of self-belief, finding your people and getting back up when you’ve been knocked down! 


It is such a great kōrero packed with lessons and learnings, take a moment for yourself and listen to this kōrero!


Action points: 

  1. Microsoft website
  2. Vanessa’s 10k Wahine blog
  3. Check out our interviews

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Join us for the Big Day out!

What is the Workplace Wellbeing Big Day Out?
It is a day to come together, to learn, to cross pollinate, to challenge perspectives and to leave empowered and inspired to make a difference for our teams – all in the name of long term, authentic, effective and thriving workplace wellbeing.

Some themes we will cover:
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A workshop filled with connection, problem solving and meaningful kōrero!