Stacey McIntosh: Prioritising life amongst the hustle

Stacey McIntosh: 

We are excited to share our latest kōrero with Stacey, with a passion for fashion she is a mother, wife and founder of Harrïe and Sam!

We kōrero about juggling motherhood with running a business, making the time and being present within both, and having clear boundaries when working from home. We also talk about the importance she holds for sustainability, particularly as a business owner!  

Walking the neighbourhood, spending time with family, creating healthy lifestyle habits, ensuring to enjoy every day, making time for special people and being real with what season you’re in, are a few of the things we touch on during this kōrero!


We really hope you enjoy this chat, let us know your thoughts below! 


Action points: 

  1. Harrïe and Sam 
  2. Foreboding joy blog   

We want everyone to have the tools to thrive and live well, that’s why we are hosting free monthly ‘online insight’ development sessions all to help you take intentional action in your life!