Fractional Wellbeing and Leadership Support​

The needs are massive.
Time is flying.
Expectations are high.
There is so much to do daily.
Your people’s wellbeing must be a top priority.
We can help your organisation thrive!

Fractional Wellbeing and Leadership Specialist - Daz

“The meetings I have had with Dairne have truly enlightened and encouraged me.
Each time, I walk away feeling confident, clear on my next steps and excited for the
journey ahead.”.

– Krystal Hollamby

Daz and Emily from TGDM

Facilitated by
Daz Burns &
Emily Ussher

What to expect

A dedicated Wellbeing and Leadership Specialist joins your team, to support your strategic goals for your business, to challenge norms and to add massive value for your people. See below for what some of the mahi we can do to support your team in this role!

Minimum 4 hours per week support to get your team thriving! 

Resilient wellbeing foundations workshop

What's included?

  • Wellbeing strategy development.
  • Implement initiatives. 
  • Investigate what’s working, what’s not and what needs to change.
  • On the ground support and integration into the team.
  • Communicate and collaboratively mahi with the whole team.
  • Specific project work and development.
  • Coach and mentor.
  • Create internal waiora team to increase in-house capacity. 
  • Have conversations about individual wellbeing with team members.
  • Bespoke workshop creation and facilitation. 


of Kiwi workers have experienced burnout!

1 in 2 New Zealander’s are at

HIGH risk of burnout.

In 2020, it was 1 in 6.

You have the opportunity to change these statistics!

Fractional Wellbeing and Leadership Support is great for...


  • Businesses who want to begin having wellbeing support but are unable to create it as a full time roll. 
  • Health and safety and/or HR Wellbeing and Leadership support.
  • Teams wanting their internal capabilities and leadership skills to increase. 
Fractional Wellbeing and Leadership Support​

If you're keen to make a positive impact on your team.

Get in touch, we’d love to kōrero!

Please select below what best relates to your reason for reaching out!

Pst. Tickets are selling NOW! 

This is not your ordinary run of the mill leadership or wellbeing event.
This, is ten amazing speakers.
Each speaking for ten minutes each.
To motivate.
To inspire.
To challenge perspectives.
To be impactful.
To create meaningful moments.
To send you on your way replenished, refocused and ready to lead more authentically and effectively.

We are inviting you to join us to reflect, connect, share, learn, cross pollinate and make change happen.