Practicing yoga safely during pregnancy

Navigating movement throughout pregnancy can be hard to do! Olivia talks us through her recommendations for practising yoga whilst pregnant, and explains why your body is the best guide!

Move slowly

Moving slowly is definitely not the easy way out, and it most definitely is challenging if you want it to be. Take some time now, to move slowly, read about how it can be practiced through yoga and help change your pace of life!

An invitation to strengthen your connection

This is an invitation to explore your Mind-Body connection through Yoga! Have a read of Olivia’s guide to exploring an amazing muscle called the Psoas, which plays a huge role in connecting our mind and body, especially during Yoga!

Pst. Tickets are selling NOW! 

This is not your ordinary run of the mill leadership or wellbeing event.
This, is ten amazing speakers.
Each speaking for ten minutes each.
To motivate.
To inspire.
To challenge perspectives.
To be impactful.
To create meaningful moments.
To send you on your way replenished, refocused and ready to lead more authentically and effectively.

We are inviting you to join us to reflect, connect, share, learn, cross pollinate and make change happen.