A summary of our mahi with Creative Waikato.

Jeremy, the CEO of Creative Waikato, recognized a need to reprioritise the Creative Waikato team’s wellbeing and reached out to us to support the creation of a tailored pathway forward to reignite their team’s unique spark, lead workplace wellbeing and strengthen their connection.


Solutions/ Actions/ What we did

Jeremy had a goal to reconnect his team and get them thriving and we knew that a six-month workplace wellbeing strategy development project would be the perfect place to begin to reconnect them with their foundations for them to build on! 

Mahi with Creative Waikato
Mahi with Creative Waikato

We know that for wellbeing initiatives to get buy-in, they need to be created by and driven by the people who mahi within the organisation day in and day out, so it is authentic and unique to them.
We are there to guide, support, co-construct and scaffold alongside them.

So our approach with Creative Waikato went a little like this:

  • Initial meetings
  • Full team workshop
  • Full team wellbeing survey
  • Waiora Team formation
  • Monthly meetings and check-ins with the Waiora Team
  • Waiora Team reflection
  • Creating the pathway from here past the project completion

The Waiora team discovered through the survey that 44% of the team wanted help to improve time distribution, balance and to recognise team achievements. Informed by the survey the Waiora team identified the constant cycle of work, with minimal time dedicated to pausing to celebrate achievements and efforts behind each project and this was something that the team wanted to change, so it became a key focus area.

“I love that the Waiora team approach was led by the survey responses”

– Creative Waikato Waiora team

Mahi with Creative Waikato
Mahi with Creative Waikato

During our monthly meetings with the Waiora Team, we not only checked progress, discussed obstacles, and evaluated the development and implementation of the strategy, we also helped the Creative Waikato waka keep moving in the right direction by challenging their thinking, confirming the next steps and booking in follow-up kōrero.


Having regular check-ins and fun projects created momentum that ensured we were able to keep shifting the dial and creating a solid foundation for future growth to be built on.


We also discovered during our 6-months working together that the Waiora team got increasingly more observant and aware of what was happening in their workplace. Their ability to find, remember and celebrate those positive interactions and moments of play and creativity was epic.

Let's dive into more detail...

Mahi with Creative Waikato

During our monthly meetings with the Waiora Team, we not only checked progress, discussed obstacles, and evaluated the development and implementation of the strategy, we also helped the Creative Waikato waka keep moving in the right direction by challenging their thinking, confirming the next steps and booking in follow-up kōrero.


Having regular check-ins and fun projects created momentum that ensured we were able to keep shifting the dial and creating a solid foundation for future growth to be built on.


We also discovered during our 6-months working together that the Waiora team got increasingly more observant and aware of what was happening in their workplace. Their ability to find, remember and celebrate those positive interactions and moments of play and creativity was epic.


After discussions on how to support the Creative Waikato team, together we landed on developing a bespoke wellbeing strategy to reconnect them with their wellbeing foundations to build a flourishing future together. We believe that building a solid foundation of wellbeing in the workplace empowers teams to be their best selves and deliver their best mahi.


Our first step was a workshop with the full Creative Waikato team to get them on the same page. We used this time to dive into the significance of wellbeing, both within the workplace and personally. We then put the feelers out to see which members of the team would like to help create, facilitate and champion wellbeing change within the organisation. The dream team of Aimee, Nick and Leafa formed the Creative Waikato Waiora team.


We know that for wellbeing initiatives to get buy in, they need to be created by and driven by the people who mahi within the organisation day in and day out. We are there to guide, support, co-construct and scaffold. We’ve found this approach is critical to ensuring long-term effectiveness, sustainability, and genuine benefit for our clients.


To get the ball rolling we needed to know our starting point, so we ran a survey for the Creative Waikato team to understand their personal and workplace wellbeing. This also provided the team the opportunity to express their views, ideas or changes they’d like to see. This also provided the Waiora team with the foundations needed to build their goals, objectives, strategies and tactics, ready to get implemented! It was a collaborative effort from the beginning, ensuring that the entire Creative Waikato team had a say in shaping their wellbeing strategy.


“I love that it was led by the survey responses from our team! It reassured me that we were creating a strategy that was meaningful to our team rather than a document to become forgotten and unused.”

Mahi with Creative Waikato

Informed with insights from the survey, the Waiora team embarked on the initial stages of wellbeing strategy development. They set a mix of short-term and long-term goals to demonstrate quick wins while also keeping their sights on the bigger picture. We met with the Creative Waikato Waiora team every month. During these meetings, we not only checked progress, discussed obstacles, and evaluated the development and implementation of the strategy, but we also helped the Creative Waikato waka stay in the right direction by confirming next steps and booking in follow up kōrero. This approach allowed us to continue providing support to the Waiora Team, while giving them the autonomy to drive the process authentically with their team.

Mahi with Creative Waikato



An early success story that highlighted the benefits of internal leadership and implementation was the introduction of the “celebration bell.” The Waiora team discovered through the survey that 44% of the team wanted help to improve time distribution, balance and recognising team achievements. So as informed by the survey the Waiora team identified the constant cycle of work, with minimal time dedicated to celebrating achievements and efforts behind each project, was something that the team wanted to change, so we made this a key focus area.

The introduction of the bell was a new initiative the Waiora team championed by regularly role-modeling its use and driving its implementation to gain buy-in from the entire Creative Waikato team. One team member noted, “The bell has become part of our working vocabulary since its instigation.”





Six months may seem like a short time to spark sustainable change, especially within organizations already juggling numerous responsibilities and priorities. However regular check-ins and fun projects created momentum that ensured we were able to keep shifting the dial and creating a solid foundation for future growth to be built off.


We take pride in the fact that the next steps of this strategy and its implementation have been thoughtfully mapped out by the Waiora team. As one Waiora team lead aptly noted, “It gave me a great deal to think about both on a personal level and from a more ‘corporate organization’ way of thinking. I haven’t had to do that sort of mahi before, and it was great to be supported through by The Good Day Matrix team.”


Looking past the end of our six month project, we have engaged in discussions with the Waiora team to define their goals for the next three months, ensuring that the momentum generated during our collaboration continues to surge forward. Most importantly we have together crafted strategies to ensure that the implementation of their wellbeing strategy remains a top priority and doesn’t slip off the ever-expanding to-do list.


Mahi with Creative Waikato


The Good Day Matrix workplace wellbeing and culture workshop

Reflecting on the journey, the Waiora team expressed their pride in the fact that the organization genuinely cares about its people. In their words, “The team knows that the organization cares about their welfare at an organizational level. I’m proud of the way that the team has embraced positive change and how we have come together this year.”

We also discovered during our 6-months working together that the Waiora team got more and more observant and aware of what was happening in their workplace. Their ability to find, remember and celebrate those positive interactions and moments of play and creativity was epic. This was a result of the mahi we did with them focusing on noticing the smaller interactions and moments that help contribute to the overall team culture.

What sets our approach apart is our commitment to ongoing support and our genuine intent to see people thrive. Though our project is complete, we are in the wings, ready to address any questions, hurdles, or future challenges that the Creative Waikato team may encounter. The feedback we’ve received affirms our belief that empowering organisations to thrive authentically, uniquely and independently is the key to positive long-term outcomes for everyone in Aotearoa.

“You’ve provided a map to continue moving and prioritising the wellbeing of our team long-term.” – Dr. Aimee Anderson-O’Connor

We’ve left them in a capable and strong position to continue transformative change within Creative Waikato. As we know workplace wellbeing isn’t just a six-month strategy, it is an ongoing commitment to the betterment of the people in your organisation. We look forward to seeing the next phases of their journey and the ongoing positive change and growth it brings to Creative Waikato!

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